I’m currently using Fedora KDE Plasma, but I’d like to try out a tiling window manager. What would you all reccomend? I use my computer for school, so I would like it to be stable.

  • thingsiplay@beehaw.org
    6 days ago




    I would try a few Plasma based tiling scripts before switching to anything like Sway or i3.

    Agreed. I used tiling window managers for years before coming back to Plasma. Right now on Wayland I highly recommend giving Krohnkite a shot, its stable without any problems and has even multiple layouts to choose (and switch) from. I used Polonum before, but that one is not stable and was problematic. Krohnkite plugin (can be found in KWin Scripts > Get New… > then search for “krohnkite”, by anametologin) is pretty good in my opinion.

    The only problem with these plugins is, that they are not well documented as a standalone tiling window manager and cannot be configured as deeply. And they might interfere with other plugins or shortcut setups and so on. I knew what I wanted and I knew how to configure stuff, that’s why its easy for me. At least it can be easily disabled without replacing entire desktop environment.

    Little tip: One thing to mention, unlike Polonium, with Krohnkite one does not need to logout and login from current user session whenever settings are changed. It’s enough to disable Krohnkite in KWin Scripts, Apply, then enable and Apply again. This is basically a reload of the plugin to take any changed settings in effect.